As often it happens in games and as it is usual for the whole Pokemon series, players can use different virtual items in Pokemon Go to have some additional effects and benefits. Understanding of what these items are and how to use them is very helpful for a Pokemon trainer. And this Pokemon Go tutorial gives a clear explanation of this topic!
If you just start your adventure in the augmented reality of Pokemon Go, it will be useful and interesting for you to discover the very basis of the game – read the tutorial “How to play Pokemon Go. First steps”. Remembering them can be helpful even for experienced trainers!__________________
Where to take Pokemon Go items?
Players get useful objects after leveling up their characters, from PokeStops, and from the in-game shop.
Leveling up happens with getting experience points. The game gives them for different actions – the more you play, the higher becomes the level of your characters and more cool items you get.
PokeStops are significant places of the real world, marked on the game map with cubes. When you approach to one of them, its cube-sign changes to a photo. Swipe it and items will appear.
The in-game shop proposes the fastest way of getting really helpful stuff. For real money.
Pokeballs in Pokemon Go
There are three types of Pokeballs in the game.
The standard one is called just Pokeball. It is usual for catching Pocket Monsters. A very common thing it is and essential indeed.
Great Ball has a higher level of effectiveness. It helps to catch rare and mighty Pokemon. Better to have them in your “bag” and use for special creatures.
Ultra Ball – is the strongest one! It is even more efficient and even more precious. Don’t spend them in vain! Wait for super powerful Pokemon to use Ultra Ball.
Premier Ball – this is a unique version of PokéBalls that can be gotten only from Raid Battles. It helps to catch a weaker copy of a defeated Gym Boss. A team that makes more damage to a Gym Boss gets more Premier Balls. If they are not used on a Raid Boss they disappear.
Berries in Pokemon Go
It seems like Pokemon know well, what the healthy food is: they eat candies just a few times in their life for evolution or powering up, but more often prefer fresh delicious berries. Trainers use this feature to increase their chances for successful catching.
Razz Berry – it helps to keep a Pokemon in a Pokeball, decreasing the possibility of escaping, because Pokemon just can’t stop to eat berries.
Golden Razz Berry - Also, trainers can use really effective Golden Razz Berries. They can be gotten from Raid Battles.
Pinap Berry – it increases an amount of candies, because caught Pokemon glad to change his candies to berry.
Do you know what candies are, how to get and use them? We explain this in the tutorial “How to evolve and power up Pokemon in the Pokemon Go game”.
Nanab Berry – it slows a Pokemon, because he can’t stop to eat berries and needs time for this, so it will be easier to make a successful throw of a Pokeball.
Every berry should be given to a Pokemon before throwing a Pokeball. And they work for one attempt only. We can use one type berries at a time.
Candy - When we perform different actions in the game, we get special Pokémon candies. Candies can be used for evolution of Pocket Monsters into more powerful forms. Different families of Pokémon have their own types of candies – we can’t feed Magikarp with candies from Buddy-Pikachu. Players get candies from catching Pokémon, hatching them from eggs, transferring Pokémon to the professor, walking with a Buddy Pokémon.Rare Candy – Pokémon trainers can get them from Raid Battles and use for evolving of any Pokémon!
Read more in our Pokémon Go tutorial: “How to evolve and power up Pokémon in the Pokémon Go game”.__________________
Technical Machines
Caught, hatched, and evolved Pokémon get two attacks randomly. They are fast and charged attacks, and usually, they can’t be changed. But Technical Machines can do this.Technical Machines - Fast Technical Machines allow replacing fast attacks of Pokémon. Charged Technical Machines allow replacing charged attacks. This also happens on a random basis – we can’t choose a particular attack. Technical Machines are useful for nice Pokémon with not very nice attacks. These items can be gotten from Raid Battles.
Raid Passes
Raid Passes – they are special items that allow participating in Raid Battles. Only one Raid Passes is available for a Pokémon trainer per day.Premium Raid Passes – these “tickets” to Raid Battles can be bought in the shop.
Read more about Raid Battles in this Pokémon Go tutorial.__________________
Items for attracting Pokemon
We can catch much more Pokemon if activate Lure Module and Incense. These items attract Pocket Monsters but they work in slightly different ways.
Incense – it attracts Pokemon to a player, who has it activated.
Lure Module – it attracts Pokemon to a PokeStop. All players around the place can catch more creatures, so often several trainers buy Lure Module together.
Both items of this kind lure Pokemon for 30 minutes.
Items for recovery after battles
Some Pokemon remain injured after battles in Gyms. And some of them are even fainted! It would be better to help them with these items.
Revive – it recovers a fainted Pokemon to half of his Health Points. There are Max Revives that recover to full HP.
Potion – it works on injured Pokemon, recovering 20 HP. There are Super Potions for 50 HP and Hyper Potions for 200 HP.
More detailed information about battles is in the tutorial “How to play Pokemon Go. Success in battles”.
Evolution Items
Usually, Pokemon in the Pokemon Go game evolve with candies – a unique resource, which we collect by different actions. But some of creatures evolve only with special items. They are:
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Up-Grade |
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Sun Stone |
The Evolution items help some Pokemon to make a “jump” from one Generation to another. More information about this miracle of Pokemon life is in the tutorial: “How to evolve and power up Pokemon in the Pokemon Go game”.
What else?
Incubators – they are needed to hatch Pokemon from eggs. Players have one that works unlimited times. But only one egg can be put there. Other Incubators work only three times.
We explain the process of hatching in the tutorial “How to hatch Pokemon from eggs”.
Lucky Egg – it’s an item for getting twice more experience points for your character. It works for 30 minutes.
Outfits – many clothes and accessories for virtual characters are free but some unique can be bought in the shop. They are masks, hats, glasses, pants, skirts, shirts…
Pokemon Storage – a place for all our Pokemon. The basic one may contain up to 250 creatures. To expand this number on 50, we should buy Pokemon Storage Update.
Bag – a place for all our items. Players have a place for 350 of them and can buy Bag Update for additional 50.
Some items can be taken only after reaching particular levels of experience – check PokeStops and visit the shop regularly to see all new objects there. The more Pokemon you have got and the more battles you have participated in, the closer you are to a moment when all the items are available for you!
Knowing these objects is as significant for the game success as understanding features of different Pokemon types – they are explained in this Pokemon Go article!