As it became usual for the mega-popular Pokémon Go game, new virtual creatures appear in it step by step. First, we got Pokémon of Generation I (Kanto region) – at the game launch. Then it was Generation II of Pokémon (Johto region), and players first got a few baby Pokémon, which were possible to hatch from eggs. All the other Pocket Monsters of Gen II were added later.
We have a similar situation with Generation III (Hoenn region) – the Pokémon Go developers added 5 Mystical creatures during the Halloween celebration in 2017, then 50 more Pokémon in December, and 20 Water-type creatures on the Christmas celebration. A few following waves have added other Pokémon of Gen 3.
As for beginning of 2020, the Pokémon Go game contains also creatures from Generation IV (Sinnoh) and Pokémon of Generation V (Unova region).
Also, check out the review “Playing Pokémon Go in 2020”
The history of the core Pokémon games has been described in the article “Pokémon universe: games, regions, and generations”
#252 – Treecko (Grass),
with 25 candies evolves into Grovyle,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
hatches from 5 km eggs,
max CP - 923;
#253 – Grovyle (Grass),
with 100 candies evolves into Sceptile,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1508;
#254 – Sceptile (Grass),
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2584;
#255 – Torchic (Fire),
with 25 candies evolves into Combusken,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
hatches from 5 km eggs,
max CP - 959;
#256 – Combusken (Fire/Fighting),
with 100 candies evolves into Blaziken,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP – 1472;
#257 – Blaziken (Fire/Fighting),
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2631;
#258 – Mudkip (Water),
with 25 candies evolves into Marshtomp,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
hatches from 5 km eggs,
max CP - 981;
#259 – Marshtomp (Water/Ground),
with 100 candies evolves into Swampert,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1617;
#260 – Swampert (Water/Ground),
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2815;
#261 – Poochyena (Dark),
with 50 candies evolves into Mightyena,
gets 1 candy per 1 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
hatches from 2 km eggs,
max CP - 564;
#262 – Mightyena (Dark),
gets 1 candy per 1 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1783;
#263 – Zigzagoon (Normal),
with 50 candies evolves into Linoone,
gets 1 candy per 1 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
hatches from 2 km eggs,
max CP - 423;
#264 – Linoone (Normal),
gets 1 candy per 1 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1533;
#265 – Wurmple (Bug),
with 12 candies evolves into Silcoon or Cascoon (a random choice).
gets 1 candy per 1 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
hatches from 2 km eggs,
max CP - 502;
#266 – Silcoon (Bug),
with 100 candies evolves into Beautifly,
gets 1 candy per 1 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 517;
#267 – Beautifly (Bug/Flying),
gets 1 candy per 1 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1573;
#268 – Cascoon (Bug),
with 100 candies evolves into Dustox,
gets 1 candy per 1 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 517;
#269 – Dustox (Bug/Poison),
gets 1 candy per 1 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1121;
#270 – Lotad (Water/Grass),
with 25 candies evolves into Lombre,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
hatches from 5 km eggs,
max CP - 526;
#271 – Lombre (Water/Grass),
with 100 candies evolves into Ludicolo,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1102;
#272 – Ludicolo (Water/Grass),
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2229;
#273 – Seedot (Grass),
with 25 candies evolves into Nuzleaf,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 526;
#274 – Nuzleaf (Grass/Dark),
with 100 candies evolves into Shiftry,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1117;
#275 – Shiftry (Grass/Dark),
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2186;
#276 – Taillow (Normal/Flying),
with 50 candies evolves into Swellow,
gets 1 candy per 1 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 642;
#277 – Swellow (Normal/Flying),
gets 1 candy per 1 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1747;
#278 – Wingull (Water/Flying),
with 50 candies evolves into Pelipper,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 642;
#279 – Pelipper (Water/Flying),
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1969;
#280 – Ralts (Physic/Fairy),
with 25 candies evolves into Kirlia,
gets 1 candy per 5 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
hatches from 10 km eggs,
max CP - 436;
#281 – Kirlia (Physic/Fairy),
with 100 candies evolves into Gardevoir,
with Sinnoh Stone and 100 candies evolves into #475 Gallade (Gen IV),
gets 1 candy per 5 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 843;
#282 – Gardevoir (Physic/Fairy),
gets 1 candy per 5 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2964;
#283 – Surskit (Bug/Water),
with 50 candies evolves into Masquerain,
gets 1 candy per 1 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 695;
#284 – Masquerain (Bug/Flying),
gets 1 candy per 1 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2135;
#285 – Shroomish (Grass),
with 50 candies evolves into Breloom,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
hatches from 5 km eggs,
max CP - 722;
#286 – Breloom (Grass/Fighting),
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2407;
#287 – Slakoth (Normal),
with 25 candies evolves into Vigoroth,
gets 1 candy per 5 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
hatches from 10 km eggs,
max CP - 942;
#288 – Vigoroth (Normal),
with 100 candies evolves into Slaking,
gets 1 candy per 5 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1896;
#289 – Slaking (Normal),
gets 1 candy per 5 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 4548;
#290 – Nincada (Bug/Ground),
with 25 candies evolves into Ninjask,
gets 1 candy per 5 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 674;
#291 – Ninjask (Bug/Flying),
with 100 candies evolves into Shedinja,
gets 1 candy per 5 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1790;
#292 – Shedinja (Bug/Ghost),
gets 1 candy per 5 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 421;
#293 – Whismur (Normal),
with 12 candies evolves into Loudred,
gets 1 candy per 1 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
hatches from 2 km eggs,
max CP - 603;
#294 – Loudred (Normal),
with 100 candies evolves into Exploud,
gets 1 candy per 1 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1233;
#295 – Exploud (Normal),
gets 1 candy per 1 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2267;
#296 – Makuhita (Fighting),
with 50 candies evolves into Hariyama,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
hatches from 5 km eggs,
max CP - 745;
#297 – Hariyama (Fighting),
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2765;
#298 – Azurill (Normal/Fairy),
with 25 candies evolves into Marill (Gen I),
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
hatches from 5 km eggs,
max CP - 316;
#299 – Nosepass (Rock),
with 50 candies and near Magnetic Lure evolves into #476 Probopass (Gen IV),
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
hatches from 5 km eggs,
max CP - 831;
#300 – Skitty (Normal),
with 50 candies evolves into Delcatty,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
hatches from 5 km eggs,
max CP - 659;
#301 – Delcatty (Normal),
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1385;
#302 – Sableye (Dark),
gets 1 candy per 5 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
hatches from 10 km eggs,
max CP - 1305;
#303 – Mawile (Steel/Fairy),
gets 1 candy per 5 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1484;
#304 – Aron (Steel/Rock),
with 25 candies evolves into Lairon,
gets 1 candy per 1 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
hatches from 2 km eggs,
max CP - 1232;
#305 – Lairon (Steel/Rock),
with 100 candies evolves into Aggron,
gets 1 candy per 1 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2004;
#306 – Aggron (Steel/Rock),
gets 1 candy per 1 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 3004;
#307 – Meditite (Fighting/Physic),
with 50 candies evolves into Medicham,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 555;
#308 – Medicham (Fighting/Physic),
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1275;
#309 – Electrike (Electric),
with 50 candies evolves into Manectric,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 810;
#310 – Manectric (Electric),
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2131;
#311 – Plusle (Electric),
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1681;
#312 – Minun (Electric),
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1585;
#313 – Volbeat (Bug),
exclusive to Europe, Asia, and Oceania,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1620;
#314 – Illumise (Bug),
exclusive to Americas and Africa,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1620;
#315 – Roselia (Grass/Poison),
evolved from #406 Budew (Gen IV),
with 100 candies evolves into Roserade (Gen IV),
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1718;
#316 – Gulpin (Poison),
with 50 candies evolves into Swalot,
gets 1 candy per 1 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
hatches from 2 km eggs,
max CP - 788;
#317 – Swalot (Poison),
gets 1 candy per 1 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1872;
#318 – Carvanha (Water/Dark),
with 50 candies evolves into Sharpedo,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
hatches from 5 km eggs,
max CP - 874;
#319 – Sharpedo (Water/Dark),
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1986;
#320 – Wailmer (Water),
with 50 candies evolves into Wailord,
gets 1 candy per 1 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
hatches from 2 km eggs,
max CP - 1424;
#321 – Wailord (Water),
gets 1 candy per 1 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2258;
#322 – Numel (Fire/Ground),
with 50 candies evolves into Camerupt,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
hatches from 5 km eggs,
max CP - 957;
#323 – Camerupt (Fire/Ground),
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2016;
#324 – Torkoal (Fire),
exclusive to India and South-East Asia,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2036;
#325 – Spoink (Physic),
with 50 candies evolves into Grumpig,
gets 1 candy per 1 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
hatches from 2 km eggs,
max CP - 1285;
#326 – Grumpig (Physic),
gets 1 candy per 1 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2310;
#327 – Spinda (Normal),
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1088;
#328 – Trapinch (Ground),
with 25 candies evolves into Vibrava,
gets 1 candy per 5 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
hatches from 10 km eggs,
max CP - 1092;
#329 – Vibrava (Ground/Dragon),
with 100 candies evolves into Flygon,
gets 1 candy per 5 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1065;
#330 – Flygon (Ground/Dragon),
gets 1 candy per 5 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2458;
#331 – Cacnea (Grass),
with 50 candies evolves into Cacturne,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
hatches from 5 km eggs,
max CP - 1080;
#332 – Cacturne (Grass/Dark),
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2092;
#333 – Swablu (Normal/Flying),
with 50 candies evolves into Altaria,
gets 1 candy per 1 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 722;
#334 – Altaria (Dragon/Flying),
gets 1 candy per 1 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1868;
#335 – Zangoose (Normal),
exclusive to Europe, Asia, and Oceania,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2214;
#336 – Seviper (Poison),
exclusive to Americas and Africa,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1928;
#337 – Lunatone (Rock/Physic),
appears in places of planet, where is night now,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2245;
#338 – Solrock (Rock/Physic),
appears in places of planet, where is day now
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2245;
#339 – Barboach (Water/Ground),
with 50 candies evolves into Whiscash,
hatches from 2 km eggs,
max CP - 716;
#340 – Whiscash (Water/Ground),
max CP - 1991;
#341 – Corphish (Water),
with 50 candies evolves into Crawdaunt,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
hatches from 5 km eggs,
max CP - 1107;
#342 – Crawdaunt (Water/Dark),
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2317;
#343 – Baltoy (Ground/Physic),
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2317;
#344 – Claydol (Ground/Physic),
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP – 1782;
#345 – Lileep (Rock/Grass),
with 50 candies evolves into Cradily,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
hatches from 5 km eggs,
max CP - 1181;
#346 – Cradily (Rock/Grass),
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2081;
#347 – Anorith (Rock/Bug),
with 50 candies evolves into Armaldo,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
hatches from 5 km eggs,
max CP - 1310;
#348 – Armaldo (Rock/Bug),
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2675;
#349 – Feebas (Water),
with Prism Scale and 400 candies evolves into Milotic,
gets 1 candy per 5 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
hatches from 10 km eggs,
max CP - 220;
#350 – Milotic (Water,
gets 1 candy per 5 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2967;
#351 – Castform (Normal),
this Pokémon changes his appearence depending on weather,
gets 1 candy per 5 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1486;
#352 – Kecleon (Normal),
gets 1 candy per 5 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1924;
gets 1 candy per 5 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
hatches from 10 km eggs,
max CP - 1305;
#303 – Mawile (Steel/Fairy),
gets 1 candy per 5 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1484;
#304 – Aron (Steel/Rock),
with 25 candies evolves into Lairon,
gets 1 candy per 1 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
hatches from 2 km eggs,
max CP - 1232;
#305 – Lairon (Steel/Rock),
with 100 candies evolves into Aggron,
gets 1 candy per 1 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2004;
#306 – Aggron (Steel/Rock),
gets 1 candy per 1 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 3004;
#307 – Meditite (Fighting/Physic),
with 50 candies evolves into Medicham,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 555;
#308 – Medicham (Fighting/Physic),
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1275;
#309 – Electrike (Electric),
with 50 candies evolves into Manectric,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 810;
#310 – Manectric (Electric),
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2131;
#311 – Plusle (Electric),
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1681;
#312 – Minun (Electric),
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1585;
#313 – Volbeat (Bug),
exclusive to Europe, Asia, and Oceania,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1620;
#314 – Illumise (Bug),
exclusive to Americas and Africa,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1620;
#315 – Roselia (Grass/Poison),
evolved from #406 Budew (Gen IV),
with 100 candies evolves into Roserade (Gen IV),
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1718;
#316 – Gulpin (Poison),
with 50 candies evolves into Swalot,
gets 1 candy per 1 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
hatches from 2 km eggs,
max CP - 788;
#317 – Swalot (Poison),
gets 1 candy per 1 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1872;
#318 – Carvanha (Water/Dark),
with 50 candies evolves into Sharpedo,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
hatches from 5 km eggs,
max CP - 874;
#319 – Sharpedo (Water/Dark),
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1986;
#320 – Wailmer (Water),
with 50 candies evolves into Wailord,
gets 1 candy per 1 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
hatches from 2 km eggs,
max CP - 1424;
#321 – Wailord (Water),
gets 1 candy per 1 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2258;
#322 – Numel (Fire/Ground),
with 50 candies evolves into Camerupt,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
hatches from 5 km eggs,
max CP - 957;
#323 – Camerupt (Fire/Ground),
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2016;
#324 – Torkoal (Fire),
exclusive to India and South-East Asia,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2036;
#325 – Spoink (Physic),
with 50 candies evolves into Grumpig,
gets 1 candy per 1 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
hatches from 2 km eggs,
max CP - 1285;
#326 – Grumpig (Physic),
gets 1 candy per 1 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2310;
#327 – Spinda (Normal),
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1088;
#328 – Trapinch (Ground),
with 25 candies evolves into Vibrava,
gets 1 candy per 5 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
hatches from 10 km eggs,
max CP - 1092;
#329 – Vibrava (Ground/Dragon),
with 100 candies evolves into Flygon,
gets 1 candy per 5 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1065;
#330 – Flygon (Ground/Dragon),
gets 1 candy per 5 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2458;
#331 – Cacnea (Grass),
with 50 candies evolves into Cacturne,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
hatches from 5 km eggs,
max CP - 1080;
#332 – Cacturne (Grass/Dark),
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2092;
#333 – Swablu (Normal/Flying),
with 50 candies evolves into Altaria,
gets 1 candy per 1 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 722;
#334 – Altaria (Dragon/Flying),
gets 1 candy per 1 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1868;
#335 – Zangoose (Normal),
exclusive to Europe, Asia, and Oceania,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2214;
#336 – Seviper (Poison),
exclusive to Americas and Africa,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1928;
#337 – Lunatone (Rock/Physic),
appears in places of planet, where is night now,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2245;
#338 – Solrock (Rock/Physic),
appears in places of planet, where is day now
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2245;
#339 – Barboach (Water/Ground),
with 50 candies evolves into Whiscash,
hatches from 2 km eggs,
max CP - 716;
#340 – Whiscash (Water/Ground),
max CP - 1991;
#341 – Corphish (Water),
with 50 candies evolves into Crawdaunt,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
hatches from 5 km eggs,
max CP - 1107;
#342 – Crawdaunt (Water/Dark),
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2317;
#343 – Baltoy (Ground/Physic),
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2317;
#344 – Claydol (Ground/Physic),
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP – 1782;
#345 – Lileep (Rock/Grass),
with 50 candies evolves into Cradily,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
hatches from 5 km eggs,
max CP - 1181;
#346 – Cradily (Rock/Grass),
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2081;
#347 – Anorith (Rock/Bug),
with 50 candies evolves into Armaldo,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
hatches from 5 km eggs,
max CP - 1310;
#348 – Armaldo (Rock/Bug),
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2675;
#349 – Feebas (Water),
with Prism Scale and 400 candies evolves into Milotic,
gets 1 candy per 5 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
hatches from 10 km eggs,
max CP - 220;
#350 – Milotic (Water,
gets 1 candy per 5 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2967;
#351 – Castform (Normal),
this Pokémon changes his appearence depending on weather,
gets 1 candy per 5 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1486;
#352 – Kecleon (Normal),
gets 1 candy per 5 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1924;
#353 – Shuppet (Ghost),
with 50 candies evolves into Banette,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
hatches from 5 km eggs,
max CP - 872;
with 50 candies evolves into Banette,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
hatches from 5 km eggs,
max CP - 872;
#354 – Banette (Ghost).,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2073;
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2073;
#355 – Duskull (Ghost),
with 50 candies evolves into Dusclops,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
hatches from 5 km eggs,
max CP - 523;
with 50 candies evolves into Dusclops,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
hatches from 5 km eggs,
max CP - 523;
#356 – Dusclops (Ghost),
with Sinnoh Stone and 100 candies evolves into #356 Dusclops (Gen IV),
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1335;
#357 – Tropius (Grass/Flying),
exclusive to Africa and surrounding areas,
gets 1 candy per 5 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1846;
#358 – Chimecho (Physic),
evolves from #433 Chingling (Gen IV),
gets 1 candy per 5 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2095;
with Sinnoh Stone and 100 candies evolves into #356 Dusclops (Gen IV),
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1335;
#357 – Tropius (Grass/Flying),
exclusive to Africa and surrounding areas,
gets 1 candy per 5 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1846;
#358 – Chimecho (Physic),
evolves from #433 Chingling (Gen IV),
gets 1 candy per 5 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2095;
#359 – Absol (Dark),
gets 1 candy per 5 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2280;
#360 – Wynaut (Psychic),
with 50 candies evolves into Wobboffet (Gen II),
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
hatches from 5 km eggs,
max CP - 503;
#361 – Snorunt (Ice),
with 100 candies evolves into Glalie,
with Sinnoh Stone and 100 candies evolves into #478 Froslass (Gen IV),
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 772;
#362 – Glalie (Ice),
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1945;
#363 – Spheal (Ice/Water),
with 25 candies evolves into Sealeo,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
hatches from 2 km eggs,
max CP – 876;
#364 – Sealeo (Ice/Water),
with 100 candies evolves into Walrein,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1607;
#365 – Walrein (Ice/Water),
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2606;
#366 – Clamperl (Water),
with Deep Sea Tooth and 50 candies evolves into Huntail,
with Deep Sea Scale and 50 candies evolves into Gorebyss,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1091;
#367 – Huntail (Water),
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2140;
#368 – Gorebyss (Water),
with 50 candies evolves into Hypno,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2281;
#369 – Relicanth (Water/Rock),
exclusive to New Zeland and nearby islands,
gets 1 candy per 5 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2557;
#370 – Luvdisc (Water),
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
hatches from 2 km eggs,
max CP - 735;
#371 – Bagon (Dragon),
with 25 candies evolves into Shelgon,
gets 1 candy per 5 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1053;
#372 – Shelgon (Dragon),
with 100 candies evolves into Salamence,
gets 1 candy per 5 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1958;
#373 – Salamence (Dragon/Flying),
gets 1 candy per 5 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 3532;
#374 – Beldum (Steel/Psychic),
with 25 candies evolves into Metang,
gets 1 candy per 5 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 843;
#375 – Metang (Steel/Psychic),
with 100 candies evolves into Metagross,
gets 1 candy per 5 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1570;
#376 – Metagross (Steel/Psychic),
gets 1 candy per 5 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 3644;
#377 – Regirock (Rock),
a Legendary Pokémon,
max CP - 3087;
#378 – Regice (Ice),
a Legendary Pokémon,
max CP - 3087;
#379 – Registeel (Steel),
a Legendary Pokémon,
max CP - 2261;
#380 – Latias (Dragon/Psychic),
a Legendary Pokémon,
max CP - 3377;
#381 – Latios (Dragon/Psychic),
a Legendary Pokémon,
max CP - 3644;
#382 – Kyogre (Water),
a Legendary Pokémon,
gets 1 candy per 20 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 4874;
#383 – Groudon (Ground),
a Legendary Pokémon,
gets 1 candy per 20 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 4874;
#384 – Rayquaza (Dragon/Flying),
a Legendary Pokémon,
max CP - 4354;
#385 – Jirachi (Steel/Psychic),
a Mythical Pokémon,
max CP - 3090;
gets 1 candy per 5 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2280;
#360 – Wynaut (Psychic),
with 50 candies evolves into Wobboffet (Gen II),
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
hatches from 5 km eggs,
max CP - 503;
#361 – Snorunt (Ice),
with 100 candies evolves into Glalie,
with Sinnoh Stone and 100 candies evolves into #478 Froslass (Gen IV),
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 772;
#362 – Glalie (Ice),
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1945;
#363 – Spheal (Ice/Water),
with 25 candies evolves into Sealeo,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
hatches from 2 km eggs,
max CP – 876;
#364 – Sealeo (Ice/Water),
with 100 candies evolves into Walrein,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1607;
#365 – Walrein (Ice/Water),
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2606;
#366 – Clamperl (Water),
with Deep Sea Tooth and 50 candies evolves into Huntail,
with Deep Sea Scale and 50 candies evolves into Gorebyss,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1091;
#367 – Huntail (Water),
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2140;
#368 – Gorebyss (Water),
with 50 candies evolves into Hypno,
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2281;
#369 – Relicanth (Water/Rock),
exclusive to New Zeland and nearby islands,
gets 1 candy per 5 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 2557;
#370 – Luvdisc (Water),
gets 1 candy per 3 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
hatches from 2 km eggs,
max CP - 735;
#371 – Bagon (Dragon),
with 25 candies evolves into Shelgon,
gets 1 candy per 5 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1053;
#372 – Shelgon (Dragon),
with 100 candies evolves into Salamence,
gets 1 candy per 5 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1958;
#373 – Salamence (Dragon/Flying),
gets 1 candy per 5 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 3532;
#374 – Beldum (Steel/Psychic),
with 25 candies evolves into Metang,
gets 1 candy per 5 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 843;
#375 – Metang (Steel/Psychic),
with 100 candies evolves into Metagross,
gets 1 candy per 5 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 1570;
#376 – Metagross (Steel/Psychic),
gets 1 candy per 5 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 3644;
#377 – Regirock (Rock),
a Legendary Pokémon,
max CP - 3087;
#378 – Regice (Ice),
a Legendary Pokémon,
max CP - 3087;
#379 – Registeel (Steel),
a Legendary Pokémon,
max CP - 2261;
#380 – Latias (Dragon/Psychic),
a Legendary Pokémon,
max CP - 3377;
#381 – Latios (Dragon/Psychic),
a Legendary Pokémon,
max CP - 3644;
#382 – Kyogre (Water),
a Legendary Pokémon,
gets 1 candy per 20 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 4874;
#383 – Groudon (Ground),
a Legendary Pokémon,
gets 1 candy per 20 km as a Buddy Pokémon,
max CP - 4874;
#384 – Rayquaza (Dragon/Flying),
a Legendary Pokémon,
max CP - 4354;
#385 – Jirachi (Steel/Psychic),
a Mythical Pokémon,
max CP - 3090;
#386 – Deoxys (Psychic),
a Mythical Pokémon,
max CP – 2749.
Gamers expect to get all the Pokémon of Generation 3 later this year. We still don’t know, when this happens. All new information about Gen 3 in Pokémon Go will be added to this post.
a Mythical Pokémon,
max CP – 2749.
Gamers expect to get all the Pokémon of Generation 3 later this year. We still don’t know, when this happens. All new information about Gen 3 in Pokémon Go will be added to this post.
Meanwhile, you may enjoy other interesting and helpful Pokémon Go materials on the gaming blog Very Good Games:
See also…
Pokemon Duel – another one free official Pokémon game. It’s a bit similar to chess.
Majikarp Jump is much easier Pokemon game, dedicated mostly to young Pokémon trainers. Or to very enthusiastic ones.