Jul 4, 2020

Hard or Light: 7 games for your style

Hard or Light: 7 games for your style
Usually, gamers look for perfection in their virtual adventures - perfection of visuals, storytelling, multiplayer interaction, and various gameplay mechanics. The game difficulty is one of the most significant but often not so obvious aspects. Would you prefer (almost) a sadistic level of Dark Souls or the cute simplicity of Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World

There are lots of games somewhere in between, and sometimes they tend to come much closer to hardcore or casual. Let’s take a look at 7 very good games: 4 unexpectedly difficult and 3 relaxingly simple.

1. Ori and the Blind Forest (hard)

Ori, a cute creature, made of light, does not make an impression of a hardcore game hero. But the developers filled his missions with so difficult stages that it takes lots of attempts to complete some parts of the adventure. You need fast and precise actions to recover all the subtle elements. And only hardcore determination will help to return life to the forest. 

More details on this game can be found in the article Ori and the Blind Forest - a small sparkle to save the world, and on this video:

Ori and the Blind Forest is available for PC, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch:

Buy the game Ori and the Blind Forest for Xbox One       Buy the game Ori and the Blind Forest for Xbox One

Buy the game Ori and the Blind Forest for Nintendo Switch

Another game of Ori series is of the same kind, so you can challenge your skills in Ori and the Will of the Wisps as well.

2. The Adventure Pals (light)

If you prefer a fun gaming experience, this game may be exactly what you are looking for. The Adventure Pals is super colorful, with a hilarious story, and very unusual characters. It’s never too hard to complete the primary levels, participate in the optional arena battles, or find hidden collectibles. But at the same time, it’s never boring.

The authors have created an amazing atmosphere of childhood adventures and filled it with lighthearted humor. The Adventure Pals is a nice game to unwind. Also, it’s a very good introduction to gaming for beginners.

For more details, take a look at the post The Adventure Pals - one of the funniest platformers out there.

Buy The Adventure Pals for PC, PS4, Xbox One, or Nintendo Switch:

Buy The Adventure Pals for PC       Buy The Adventure Pals for Xbox One

Buy The Adventure Pals for PS4       Buy The Adventure Pals for Nintendo Switch

3. Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D (hard)

The general style of this game does not remind a hardcore type of gaming. But in fact, it’s one of the very, very challenging games. 

Some mysterious spirits have stolen all bananas, so Donkey Kong should teach them a lesson. On the way, the ape faces all sorts of obstacles - often, players have to learn the stages in a difficult way. You move a bit to learn the environment and then fall. Now you know your next step and learn the stage a bit more to fall again and repeat the scenario till the final success.

The world and adventures here are super various. Depending on your style, you can fly through one location or get stuck in another. In both cases, the result is very rewarding (emotionally).

Purchase Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D from the official Nintendo eShop:

Buy Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D for Nintendo 3DS

Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D is a Nintendo 3DS version of the original Wii game. If you have a Nintendo Switch, you can get a similar experience in Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze.

4. Lego Worlds (light)

On the one hand, this game is hard to approach for people outside gaming - but that’s only because of its huge scale and therefore rather complicated controlling. Once you have finished the long but fun initial tutorial, you really start to enjoy being in this colorful blocky world… or better to say in these many blocky worlds.

Players have a lot of freedom here to do whatever they want to. Explore new planets with unusual biomes. Build small houses or big cities. Delve into dungeons and fight monsters. All these activities are fun and simple. It’s like having lots of classic Lego sets converted into virtuality with all the figures getting alive.

The game has been described more extendedly in the post Lego Worlds: bright goofiness.

Lego Worlds is available for PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch:

Buy Lego Worlds for PC       Buy Lego Worlds for Xbox One

Buy Lego Worlds for PS4       Buy Lego Worlds for Nintendo Switch

5. Crypt of the NecroDancer (hard)

This rhythm game seems to be complicated in theory - you take various heroes and battle dangerous creatures by moving on the beats of the music. In practice, everything is even more complicated because the dungeons are chaotic and the monsters are super powerful.

The whole experience asks for your full attention and the max caution. Each new hero changes the mechanics and you face fresh layers of the same challenge.

The recipe for Crypt of the NecroDancer was quite successful, so it has been used for the game with The Legend of Zelda characters: Cadence of Hyrule.

To play Crypt of the NecroDancer, buy the game for PC, PS4, PlayStation Vita, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, or iOS.

Buy the game Crypt of the NecroDancer for PC       Buy the game Crypt of the NecroDancer for Xbox One

Buy the game Crypt of the NecroDancer for PS4       Buy the game Crypt of the NecroDancer for PS Vita

Buy the game Crypt of the NecroDancer for Nintendo Switch       Buy the game Crypt of the NecroDancer for iOS

6. Journey (light)

Some games have a kind of threshold for newcomers - you should know some stuff and have basic experience in gaming. Journey is absolutely different. You can just start it and follow your instincts. In a sort of magical way, the game leads players, making each new step easy and natural.

Journey is a unique masterpiece. It’s a short and very beautiful game. It’s a mysterious experience that doesn’t require any special skills - you learn everything on the way, with no words and explanations. Players can meet in this world and help each other in this extraordinary adventure.

The game Journey is available for PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Windows computers, and iOS devices.

Buy the game Journey for PS3       Buy the game Journey for PS4

Buy the game Journey for PC       Buy the game Journey for iOS

7. Cuphead (hard)

Once again, we have a game with a decisiv art style: at first sight, it's a fun cartoon-like game that reminds of classic Disney short films, but in fact, it’s one of the most difficult games ever created, where constant boss fights require super precise actions.

Cuphead is unforgiving, so be ready to approach the same opponents again and again, learn patterns in their behavior, and develop exceptional skills of virtual fight.

Play Cuphead on Xbox One, PC, or Nintendo Switch.

Buy the game Cuphead for PC       Buy the game Cuphead for Xbox One

Buy the game Cuphead rney for Nintendo Switch

Of course, there are lots of other hardcore and casual games for you to enjoy. Probably, examples from this post can give you some ideas for the next gaming adventure.

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